These scales examine variables as a tendency to respond in a way that presents them in a positive light, a tendency of the subject to respond in a way that presents them in a negative light or a tendency to avoid questions on certain subjects.

D - Depression, evaluation of depressive symptoms, poor mood and hopelessness (57 items).Hs - Hypochondria, hyperactivity in the body, fear of diseases (32 items).The RC scale intercorrelation patterns, and alpha coefficient values found for MMPI-2-RF scales in a custody population, were also found to be very similar to those reported for other populations. Although there is significant literature on MMPI-2 tests, there is only one study on child custody laws published in the past, using MMPI-2-RF data in the relevant population, which focused on 344 lawyers involved in child custody, showing significant consistency between the results usually found in MMPI-2 tests. The MMPI-2-RF personality test consists of 338 statements compared to 567 statements of the MMPI-2 test. The original form of MMPI-2 is the third most common in psychology, behind the most common IQ tests and achievements.

There are 567 statements in this test, which takes 1 to 2 hours to complete. Certain revisions have been published, and a wide range of new topics have been introduced over the years, in order to help physicians interpret the results of the original 10 clinical diagnoses.

The new standard was based on 2,600 people from a more representative background than the MMPI. MMPI-2 is the major new version of the MMPI. The maximum number of questions that a candidate is allowed not to answer is 30 beyond it, the test will be considered invalid. Employers will usually validate the test results with additional psychological tests, interviews or other tests. Although MMPI is considered a significant test in deciding whether or not to accept candidates, it will hardly ever be used as a single diagnostic tool. The average required time is 1 to 1.5 hours. You can perform this test either manually or online, either individually or as part of a group. MMPI is a questionnaire that includes over 500 different statements each must be answered in the 'right' or 'wrong' form.